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2 MP Cameras
TVL IR Bullet Camera
0 out of 5
- Description : 2MP TVL Bullet IR Camera with Coaxial Audio
- Model No : S-V-D1-A
- 1/2 .9” HD- CMOS
- IR Bullet Camera
- Full HD @1080P (2MP)
- 3.6mm HD lens (6mm, 8mm optional)
- 18 SMD IR LED / up to 20-30 Mtr
- Support Audio Over Coaxial in TVl mode
2 MP Cameras
TVL IR Dome Camera S-V-D1-A
0 out of 5
- Description : 2MP TVL Dome IR Camera with Coaxial Audio
- Model No : S-V-D1-A
- 1/2 .9” HD- CMOS
- IR Dome Camera
- Full HD @1080P (2MP)
- 3.6mm HD lens (6mm, 8mm optional)
- 18 SMD IR LED / up to 20-30 Mtr
- Support Audio Over Coaxial in TVl mode
USB Fingerprint Device
USB Biometric Device: S-K100 & USB Fingerprint Reader - Secureye
0 out of 5
- Description : USB Biometric Device | USB Fingerprint Reader/Scanner
- Model No : S-K100
- 360° all round fingerprint induction and identification.
- Tiny, lightweight and easy to carry.
- Anti-spoofing by unique security technology.
- Supporting external storage device encrption.
- Upgrade your computer, encrypt files quiuckly.
- Setup 10 different fingerprints, protect what you care most you care most.
- Easy to log in the most popular social networking and shopping websites.
Aadhaar Based Biometric
USB Fingerprint Scanner - Aadhaar Based Biometric | Secureye
0 out of 5
- Description : Adhaar Enabled Biometric USB Fingerprint Scanner
- Model No : MC01A
MC01A is an ergonomic USB fingerprint scanner/reader, equipped with ultra-slip optical sensor. It features advanced fingerprint sensor technology and high performance image processing speed with 500 dpi resolution.